There are several online sites that cover basic techniques for crossing and seed saving, and we've learned from all of them. One of the best on crossing is
here. Here's a photo of Mark's crossing tool box: scissors for trimming back to a single flower, and when necessary for trimming petals during emasculation; a set of very sharp forecepts - the primary emasculation tool; colored wire ties to help you find the emasculated flowers the next day; a glass lens from a discarded pair of sunglasses, on which to collect and apply pollen; and some brightly colored tags to label the crossed flowers after pollination is complete. I also use reading glasses to better see what the heck I'm doing.
Emasculated flower ready for pollination |
I've had best success emasculating after work on day 1, and pollinating the following day after work. This allows emasculation of very young un-opened flowers, and pollinating 24 hrs later when they are more mature (and receptive). I very rarely get any accidental self pollination with this method. Some hints on timing of pollination - I like at least 24 hrs of dry weather after pollination to make sure rain doesn't wash off the applied pollen, and I have most success when I pollinate early in the season (e.g. June), before it gets too hot. The problem with early pollination is that you haven't had a chance to fully phenotype the parents yet (if they are from a segregating population).
Ripe fruit ready for F2 seed extraction |
Fermenting in zip lock bags |
I usually extract seed from the ripe fruit in the field (saving messing up the kitchen) and plop the seed and pulp right into a ziplock bag, labeled with a water proof sharpie. After fermentation in the basement for a few days, I wash the seed, dry and store in a coin envelope.